Updates Continue!

Thank you for being so patient as I update my new site. Wow! How times have changed! My first website was completely a bit by bit construction I attempted years ago. This page, powered by WordPress, is actually starting to make sense to me!

I will be sharing works in progress, classes/conventions I am or have attended, favorites that I believe you would like and maybe some inspiring tips. I have included a contact section so you can give me ideas for more as I go along. Also, look for links to Amazon and do read your favorite authors! Not surprising, I am one of their biggest fans these days. One favorite, Judith McNaught, has a couple of great books now available, one for pre-order!

I have been working with how to transfer my older posts from my WordPress blog to this site and have somehow managed to get some entries on here twice. Not to worry, I’ll handle that too before long….no, you needn’t read those double entries twice!

My aim is to have my site user friendly and get back to my writing ASAP!