Thursday Thoughts, Quotes and Musings

Don’t wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got to get down to work ~~. Pearl S. Buck

I love this quote. Very simply put… if you are going to write, then write. These last couple of years have been hard for me, wanting to keep my writing going and not having the ‘mood’ hit me… finding myself sitting on the sofa hours after saying I would write… then finding the mood just didn’t hit me. It isn’t and shouldn’t always be that way. Writing is a passion, yes, but for those of us who want to be authors, it is also a job of sorts. Nothing gets accomplished without actually sitting there before the computer or with a tablet or with pencil and paper…and writing.

Remember, this is the time I am making my biggest steps to achieve my goal! How about you?



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